Tuesday, July 1, 2014

The FuckPool Principal

We all have a certain amount of fucks to give in a twenty-four hour period. These fucks reside in a pool or reservoir that usually cannot be replenished but, can spill over from day-to-day.  You can give many fucks for a particular cause or, you can spread the fucks out evenly (or unevenly) across different areas of life. Putting all your fucks in one basket vs investing your fucks across the expanse of your worldly experience is a choice and making this choice may require you to actually give a fuck.

You might discover that you’re fucks are all used up before you get out of bed in the morning.. From the moment you open your eyes, you’re fucks are allocated to external factors that you have no control over. This misalignment of fucks can cause major neurosis and mental instability that will deprive you of peace. Thus, your well being may be inextricably linked to your ability to manage your fuckpool. Mismanagement of your fuckpool often rears it’s head when you admit that you that you don’t give a fuck. Making statements like “I don’t care” or “I don’t give a fuck” will probably drain your fuckpool faster than actually admitting that you give a fuck.  To not give a fuck means you give many fucks about not giving a fuck in the first place.

Keep in mind that your fuckpool is limited and fucks come at a price. You always start off with a fixed amount at any given moment.  The price you pay is determined by how your fuckpool is managed.

You can choose to carry forward your fucks from a day-to-day perspective. This can be very helpful and equally damaging. Starting out your day with a replenished fuckpool might be ideal but, there are times when fucks must carried forward. Keep in mind that if you carry your fucks with you for too long, they become stale and will most likely impact you negatively.

Once a fuck is used, it cannot be reused. However, it can be forgotten. This is extremely important to remember especially when you are about to use a fuck for at any moment in life. To give a fuck requires brain power and you will never get that same level of power back, especially when more than one fuck is used simultaneously. The good news is,  your pool is replenished and the process of giving a fuck, or not, begins anew with each day.. Keep in mind that most of the fucks you used or, ever will use will be forgotten during any remediation that you undertake (fuckpool remediation explained below)

A contention with fucks occurs when you run out of fucks for any given day. You're fucks are spread too far and wide and you just don’t have enough to go around. This requires you to manage your pool efficiently so that you don’t burn out or collapse from giving too many fucks. Spreading your fucks around can lead to major neurosis.. excessive worrying is the number one cause of fuckpool contention.  If you find yourself suffering from fuckpool contention, consider moving towards fuckpool remediation (explained below).. Freely giving out your fucks to too many endeavors will cause fatigue and excess worry.

Holding back most of your fucks  and becoming a fuckpool miser can be just what the doctor ordered.. The good news is that you can be very focused throughout your day and the not so good news is that you often ignore most of what goes on around you.  You may also give up your fucks that are required for important areas of your life.  Retaining your fucks is often the first step one can take after becoming aware of the suffering that can be caused by retention. You may find however that you have a huge backlog of fucks leading to a lonely and depriving life that is completely devoid of any peace and happiness.

Fuckpool remediation occurs at the point when you have realized that your pool is either rapidly depleted or overflowing with a generous amount of fucks.  You must decide how you're fucks are to be distributed and there is no automatic system for remediation.  You’re fucks are yours to give or hold onto but once given, cannot be taken back.  Fuckpool remediation is a very personal undertaking and serves as one of the many doors to awareness.

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